Missouri Point System Explained

How Does the Missouri Point System Work?

The state of Missouri utilizes a Point System to determine the suspension or revocation of a person’s driving privileges. When you are convicted of a moving violation, such as speeding, driving without insurance, or DWI/DUI, the Department of Revenue will assess points to your driving record and the accumulation of a set number of points during a set time-period will determine whether you keep your license, have it suspended, or have it taken away (revoked).

Paying off a traffic ticket is an admission of guilt – this is when points are added to your driving record – and the chances of reducing or dropping your charges after taking this step becomes exponentially more difficult. As soon as you receive a ticket, the wisest decision you can make is to immediately speak with a lawyer to begin assessing your legal options.

Point Values Explained


The point values of common driving violations are:

  • Speeding 6+ mph over the posted speed limit—2-3 points
  • Driving without financial responsibility (without insurance)—4 points
  • First time DUI/DWI—8 points
  • Second or higher DUI/DWI—12 points
  • Driving with a suspended license or revoked license—12 points
  • Felony involving a motor vehicle—12 points

If you accumulate four points within 12 months, you will receive a point accumulation advisory from the Department of Revenue. If you get eight or more points within 18 months, your driving privileges will be suspended for the following periods:

  • First suspension—30 days
  • Second suspension—60 days
  • Third or subsequent suspension—90 days

Your driving privileges will be revoked for one year if you accumulate:

  • 12 points or more in 12 months
  • 18 points or more in 24 months
  • 24 points or more in 36 months

These points are reduced every year you drive without receiving new points on your driving record:

  • After the first year, your remaining points will be reduced by one-third.
  • After two years, the points are reduced by one-half.
  • After three years, the points are reduced to zero.

Why continue to live in fear of further legal repercussions – or allow your legal situation to continue to get worse?

Your best life is in front of you – and, your first step is to contact We Fix Court Problems. Get your life and your license back so you can finally be able to take care of the things – and the people – that matter most to you!

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