- In Missouri, “careless and imprudent driving,” commonly referred to as careless driving refers to a traffic violation that involves operating a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger other people or property. This can include a wide range of actions, such as driving too fast for road conditions, speeding, failing to yield the right of way, following too closely to another vehicle, or any other behavior that could potentially cause an accident.
- Careless and imprudent driving is considered a serious offense and can result in 2 to 4 points being assessed against your driver’s license, which can lead to higher insurance premiums and even license suspension if too many points are accumulated over time.
- If you have received a citation for careless and imprudent driving in Missouri, it is important to consult with an experienced traffic attorney who can help you understand your options and protect your driver’s license.
Careless & Imprudent Driving Law
More Information About Careless & Imprudent Driving Law
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